Study Group

Mudford Church Study Group

The centre of the home group is about the application of the Bible - How does this apply to me? What change does it require of me? To what incidents or situations in my life is this relevant?

Home groups can encourage honesty and make space for questions and doubts. Christian faith throws up paradoxes; events in our lives can make particular verses hard to understand. The home group can be a safe place to express these concerns.


Home groups can give opportunities for friendships to develop. As we talk about our experiences, feelings, questions, hopes and fears, we are able to offer support to each other. In a good group we can bounce ideas off each other, spark inspiration and creativity, pool talents and resources: the whole is definitely greater than the sum of its parts!


 The meetings are open to everyone - why not come and join us - you will be warmly welcomed into this group of friendly, ordinary people!

at the Lounge, Milton House, Hales Meadow

The next meetings will be on Tuesdays 11th and 25th February

from 2.30 - 4.00pm

when we will continue our study of 'The Fruit of the Spirit'

All welcome!

Please contact Jo Dalton-Leggett for further details - 07757 865575