March 2025
Dear All,
It feels as if I’ve only just written a letter for the magazine, and now I’m
supposed to write another one. And it will be the same next month,
apparently, and the next.
Who do you think I am, Charles Dickens?
I’m afraid I haven’t got the imagination to come up with a sparkling new idea
every four weeks, so here’s what I’m going to do. Each month I will give you
a short extract from the Bible and challenge you to commit it to memory. My
parents used to do this with me, and as a consequence I have an internal
library of encouraging teachings which I can draw on in the busyness of
everyday life. It’s sometimes called a “Memory Verse”.
So, here’s this month’s verse. It’s from a letter written by one of the earliest
Christians, a follower of Jesus whose name was James. He was writing to
people who were facing all sorts of difficulties in their lives, as we often are.
It’s a simple promise – one that I’ve found to be true in my life, as have many
other Christians over the years. Here it is:
“Draw near to God; and he will draw near to you.” (*James 4:8)
That’s it! Learn it. Think about it. Test it out – you will find it to be true. And
here’s the challenge: if you bump into me in the village and correctly recite
that verse to me, I’ll give you a sweet from the perpetual packet in my pocket.
If you meet me in a local pub and do the same, I’ll buy you a drink. Yes, I
know, it’s blatant bribery. I’m not ashamed.
With all good wishes,
Rev Richard Horner
P.S. the stuff in brackets describes where the words can be found in the Bible.
You don’t have to memorise that bit (unless you’re of a train-spotting mentality).