Rector's Reflections


                                           April 2024

This month’s message comes from Penny Holt, Lay-Reader

Dear Friends

As we progress through Holy Week towards Easter Sunday, the most important festival of the Christian year, we remember and re-enact those final days of Jesus’s life here on earth.

His washing of the disciples’ feet on Maundy Thursday, in full knowledge that he was about to be betrayed, and urging his disciples to ‘do as I have done to you’.

His agonised prayer to his Father in the garden of Gethsemane as he awaits his arrest, ‘father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me, yet not my will but yours be done’ (Luke 22.42).

His subsequent torture, humiliation, and crucifixion in the hands of the authorities on Good Friday, and the miracle of the empty tomb on Easter morning, accompanied by the angels’ words, ‘why do you look for the living among the dead? he is not here, but has risen’ (Luke 24.5)

And bound up in this unique rollercoaster of events, we witness the entire gamut of human emotions - bewilderment, weakness, shame, fear, desolation, despair, awe, elation, and hope. The whole of the human condition is here.

So, what relevance can this event of almost 2000 years ago have for us, today?

The simple answer is, ‘life-changing’.

For us, Jesus’ gave his life so that we might have:

HOPE - out of the darkest nights of despair comes hope and the promise of new life; death is not the end.

LOVE - unconditional love that endures all things and will never leave us.

FREEDOM - from all that diminishes us - so that we may receive life in all its fullness.

Wishing you a very happy Easter, and that wherever we find ourselves, and whatever we may be going through, may we all experience something of the hope, love, and freedom of God in Jesus this Easter.


A quick update on the search for a new Rector:

The advert and all the details are in the Church Times and on the Bath and Wells diocese website, where our Profile can be seen – huge thanks to everyone who helped to put it together, especially to Marianne Wilson who formatted it – we think it looks splendid!

The closing date for applications is 30th April and interviews will be on 22nd May, although candidates will be in the Benefice on 21st May, as well.

St Mary’s Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held in Mudford Village Hall at 12.30 after café on Thursday 11th April. Come and find out what we do!