Prayers of Intercession written by a member of our Benefice
Second Sunday before Advent 17th November 2024
Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy, we thank you for the incomparable gift of our Saviour, who took on himself the burden of all human sin. By suffering, dying and rising again he secured for us the amazing promise of eternal life. As we approach the end of another Church Year we look back with gratitude and thankfulness for all the many blessings you have sent our way. We look forward with eagerness to the arrival in January of our new Rector, Rev Richard Horner. We pray for him and his wife Debbie as they prepare to make the huge changes in their lives that will come as he takes up his new post.
Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer
Lord of all faith, we pray for our Church and its place within our local community. We give thanks to you for Stuart, the other retired clergy, our lay readers and all who have worked so hard to help us to maintain a pattern of worship and ministry in our five churches, nourishing us with inspirational preaching, teaching and prayer and helping us to grow in faith. We thank you for all the opportunities you have given us to connect with those who live nearby, and we pray that we may show them something of your love and care for them through the way we live our lives, through our actions and our words. We pray also for the mission of the wider church in this country and throughout the world, thinking especially of the Church of England, rocked once more by the scandal of another spectacular failure in safeguarding. We pray for healing for all victims and ask that all involved, especially those in positions of authority, will put aside all their human inclinations and desire and seek to listen to you and hear and act only and always in accordance with your will.
Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer
Lord of all gentleness, we pray for people suffering from the savagery of human anger, pride and greed, through conflict, terrorism, oppression and persecution in all parts of your world. In a time of political upheaval, we bring before you once again the plight of millions of innocent people in Ukraine and in the Holy Land, caught up in the horrors of wars that are not of their making. We ask that you may encourage and bless the efforts of all who work for peace and reconciliation. We pray also for those who feel undervalued, ignored and forgotten, and for those who do not have the basic needs of life - food, clothing or shelter. We pray for all those organisations and individuals who strive to bring relief, aid and hope to your children who are in need.
Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer
Lord of all kindliness, we pray for all who suffer in body mind or spirit and for those who care for them. We pray for the sick, for those who mourn, and for those without faith, hope or love.
In a moment of quiet, let us bring before God all those people and situations that are on our hearts this morning….
Lord of all calm, may all for whom we have prayed today feel the comfort of your presence and assurance of your love; strengthen them, we pray, to overcome the challenges they face.
Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer
Lord of all grace, we pray to you for those whom we love but see no longer. Give to the departed your peace, let your light perpetual shine upon them and bring them, and all of us, at last to the unending bliss of your perfect kingdom. We especially think today of our dear friend, Richard Stephens, and we pray that you will be powerfully present with Hilary and all of Richard’s family and close friends as they prepare to say farewell to him tomorrow.
Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer
Holy God we pray for ourselves; as we go from your house today to start the week ahead, we ask that in all we do, we may we walk more closely with you at our side, safe in the knowledge that your Fatherly love and care knows no bounds.
Merciful Father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen