

                                                   Intercessions written by a member of our Benefice

Third Sunday of Easter, 14th April 2024

I begin our prayers today with a short poem we heard on Good Friday. It is called ‘Spear’ and it is by Peter O’Grady. It is interesting because it juxtaposes the soldier’s action immediately following Jesus’ death on the cross with his appearance to his disciples as told in our gospel reading today.

Experienced in these matters,
the soldier thought the man dead
and to prove it, stabbed a spear
deep into his side.


The blood and water flowing
from where the man was hung,
soaked into the ground.
No need now to break his legs
before the Sabbath comes.

I am not a Ghost the man says
as they put their hands into his side
finding new life, born of wounds,
life in abundance.


Let us pray …


Living God, we praise and thank you that the disciples were not only witnesses Jesus’ death and resurrection, but also that when Jesus appeared to them, he opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures. We thank you for empowering them to go out in faith and courageously proclaim the good news that changed the world forever.  Help us to keep faith with them, that our witness may be as bold, our love as deep, and joy and amazement as real as theirs. 

Gracious God we pray that you will open our minds, fill us with joy, and give us the determination we need to answer your call to be your witnesses in the world and to make disciples of all people.

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer


Creator God, we thank you for the lovely Spring sunshine we have enjoyed for the last few days. It helps us to appreciate more the beauty of the world you gave us to live in and to care for. We know that in many areas our Stewardship has been a failure; yet, through the victory of Jesus Christ, we know also that you can restore all things in glory; and so we pray for a change of heart and attitude, an awakening to a better way of living, and the commitment to turn away from destructive and wasteful habits and behaviours.

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer


Father God, we pray for our Benefice, that each of us might make use of our individual talents enabling our churches to flourish as the Body of Christ in our communities. Help us to spread the warmth of your love to everyone we meet.

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer


Loving God, we pray for those who do not share our Easter joy especially those living in the shadow of darkness and despair, for those whose hearts have been saddened by the death of someone close and dear to them, and for those suffering illnesses that narrow their view of the world.  We especially pray for those we know who are in need of our prayers at this time. In the quietness of our hearts, we raise them before you now.


Time for silent prayer


Merciful God, we ask that you will draw near to those for whom we have prayed and help them to feel the comfort of the Holy Spirit within them, and the fellowship of the church family around them.

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer


When Jesus appeared to the disciples he said, ‘Peace be with you’. We live in a world in desperate need of God’s peace.

God of justice and peace, look with compassion on a world where the innocent still suffer, and authority is often unjust. We pray for all places in conflict, for all places where there is political upheaval or unrest, for all whose lives have been changed dramatically by the oppression of others and for all who do not know peace at this time. We pray especially for Israel and Palestine and for Ukraine and, compassionate Father, for all those places of which you know and that we no longer see in our news bulletins. Give wisdom to those who rule over others and lead them into the way of compassion and love.

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer


Faithful God, in the week that lies before us may we reflect your love in our families, our church and our community; so that the world can see that we are followers of Christ and children of God Most High. May we draw others into his loving care, that together we may enjoy new life …life in abundance.

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer


Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen