

                                                  Prayers of Intercession written by a member of our Benefice

Twentieth Sunday after Trinity, 13th October 2024, Harvest Thanksgiving

Let us pray to God, the Lord of the Harvest in all things material and spiritual. At this time of each year we gather together to give thanks for the gifts gathered from land and sea, knowing that you give us the fruits  of the earth in their season.  Jesus said that we are not to worry about our lives – what we eat and what we drink because you know that we need these things.  We hope and pray that you find us worthy of all you provide for us.

Lord, in your Mercy – Hear our Prayer


Eternal God, you crown the year with your goodness; grant that we may use them to your glory, for the relief of those in need and for our own well-being.  All good gifts come from you; you send the sun and the rain and it is through your love and care that we can enjoy and sea.  We pray for your blessing on every kind of harvest; farmers of the land, fishermen of the sea; the harvest of factory, mine and workshop; the harvest of research.  May we work together with you in every area of life to produce what is worthwhile good and fruitful.  Thank you for providing so richly for our needs, but there are so many people today who have little or nothing; grant that we may soon find a more just distribution of the goods of the world

Lord, in your Mercy – Hear our Prayer


Heavenly Father, we thank you for our families and friends; give to us grateful hearts for all your bounty and a concern for the needs of others.  We thank you for all that is good in this community and in our Benefice; we thank you for the retired clergy and readers who are looking after our spiritual needs during the vacancy and we look forward to welcoming the Rev. Richard Horner and his wife, Debbie, to live and work among us in the New Year.  And we pray especially this morning for Diane leading our worship today.

Lord, in your Mercy – Hear our Prayer


Loving Lord, we pray for your world, broken in so many places at this time; we continually pray that world leaders will find ways to live in peace with one another.  We pray for all Christians, especially those who are persecuted for their faith in you; let them know that you are with them and share their suffering and pain at this difficult time.

We pray for all the innocent victims living in war-torn areas of the world; for those who have been driven from their homes and countries; those without food, shelter or hope for the future.  Our hearts are broken to see so many children who have never known peace in their short lives and live in constant fear.

We pray for all who work in these areas; the unsung heroes – those who search for family members, friends and neighbours amongst the ruins of their homes; the doctors, nurses, relief agency workers who work tirelessly to ease pain and suffering with minimal medicines and surgical supplies.

Lord, In Your Mercy – Hear Our Prayer


Loving Lord, we pray for all who are unwell and need the comfort of your healing touch; those facing operations, those in hospital, those recovering or being cared for at home 

Let us pause for a moment to bring to mind all who are known only to ourselves who need our prayers at this time……….Lord, may they all feel your healing touch and know that you are with them.

Lord, in your Mercy – Hear our Prayer


We give thanks for family and friends who have been gathered into your care.  Grant them the joy of faith brought to fruition in your heavenly Kingdom. 

Lord, in your Mercy – Hear our Prayer


We offer our thanks and prayers today, desiring to be faithful labourers for the harvest of Christ’s Kingdom.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ Amen.