

                                                  Prayers of Intercession written by a member of our Benefice

Eighth Sunday after Trinity, 21st July 2024

Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, you promised through your Son Jesus Christ to hear us when we pray in faith…

Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”

We pray that the churches in our benefice be given a clear vision of what is needed to be both focused and relevant in all that is good, and serves your purpose of spreading the Good News to both residents and visitors.

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Creator God, we thank you for the beauty of the world; for its wonderful variety and the bounty that it brings forth.  Help us all to be good stewards showing love and friendship to all people, and enjoying the warmth and light that they bring to our lives.  Be close to all who govern, ensuring the decisions that they make, day by day, are made for the benefit of all the people entrusted to them in their leadership.

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Father God, we pray for our own communities and all of our neighbours. We thank you also for our families and friends, raising before you those we know with particular needs. May your peace and love surround them bringing with it comfort and strength.

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Gracious God, we thank you for those we know who are on the road to recovery and for the miracle of healing.  We pray for all who minister to the sick and infirm, both at home and in hospital care centres. We ask that those we know who are ill or in need of our prayers may experience the light of the Gospel and a real sense of your healing presence.

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

We pray for those we love who are now at rest in your presence and we thank you for the lives they lived, the work they accomplished and the examples they left behind.  

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer


 God of power, hear our prayers, and through the ministry of your Son free us from the grip of the world and all that is evil. Fill our hunger with the food that lasts, the bread of God which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. Lead us as we go forward into another week strengthened and upheld by your love, the knowledge of the Gospel and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Merciful Father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ, Amen.