

                                                  Prayers of Intercession 

Sunday 23rd March, the third Sunday of Lent

Let us pray for the peace of God in the Church and in the World.

Almighty God, we thank you for this season of Lent – a time to reflect upon our discipleship, to consider our calling, to test ourselves and see whether we are in the faith.  But let us be mindful of those who have given up their faith – whatever their reason may be for doing so.  May we never give up on those who have chosen a different path, praying that with your love and guidance they will return to believing in you. Free your people from whatever it is that separates them from you.  

Lord, in your mercy – Hear our Prayer.


Almighty God, help us for once to be honest with ourselves, to see ourselves as we really are, with all our weaknesses, all our ugliness and sinfulness.  Help us to face all those things which we usually prefer to push aside – the unpleasant truths we sweep under the carpet, pretending they are not there.  All-seeing God, we can fool ourselves but we cannot fool you.  We can pretend all is well but cannot conceal our inner pain.  We can deny our need of you but cannot disguise our emptiness without you. 

Lord, in your mercy – Hear our Prayer.


Almighty God, we pray for your Church worldwide; all Bishops, Archbishops and church leaders as they endeavour to serve you, to do your will and to spread your word.  We thank you for those who serve you in our Benefice; Richard, Jeremy, Penny, Tony and Richard; our lay ministry teams, bible study groups and for our Lent group.

Lord, in your mercy – Hear our Prayer


Almighty God, bless and guide Charles, our King,  We pray for world leaders; that they will set aside their personal agendas and use their power wisely for the good of all who live in your world – broken in so many places at this time.  We pray especially for all who are endeavouring to bring a peaceful and everlasting end to war in Ukraine, the Middle East, Sudan and all other areas of unrest.  Innocent people are suffering death and destruction in their lives through no fault of their own; they are powerless - as we are powerless to help them.  Only you can guide the powerful; only you can intervene for the good of the powerless.   

Lord, in your mercy – Hear our Prayer


Almighty God, we give thanks to you for your many blessings – for the love and joy that our families share together.  Wherever they be - near or far - we ask that you will guard and guide all those whom we love.  We thank you for our communities in our Benefice, and ask that you will guide us all to work closer together to build on the love and fellowship we have here. 

Lord, in your mercy – Hear our Prayer


Almighty God, we ask that you comfort those who are suffering; those who are sad, the  lonely, the poor, the anxious, the oppressed, those displaced, rejected and abused.  Those who live in fear of violence in their homes; those persecuted for their faith in you and those who have lost hope in life itself. Heed their plight and let them know you are by their side.  Almighty God, have mercy on those who suffer from human cruelty and make merciful the hearts of oppressors. 

Lord in your mercy – Hear our Prayer


We pray for those who have died; may they rest in peace. And we pray for all who mourn; may they be comforted in the knowledge that their loved ones are blessed with eternal life in your kingdom.   

Lord, in your mercy,  Hear our prayer.


Almighty God, help us to grow in our faith; may we learn what it means to follow you; what it means to serve you.  May we understand more fully why you have put us here, what you would have us do, who you would have us be, how you would have us live and where you would have us go.  

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen.