News and Events

July 2024

Great News...

The following notice was issued by the Acting Archdeacon on Tuesday 4th June:

Following the recent interviews and the recommendation of the Parish representatives, we are pleased to announce that the Bishop has appointed the Reverend Richard Horner to the post of Rector (0.5) of the Benefice of Chilton Cantelo with Ashington, Mudford, Rimpton and Marston Magna. This appointment is subject to a satisfactory completion of the usual statutory checks made on all clergy taking up a new post.

Details of a Service of Welcome will be announced in due course.

Please hold Richard in your prayers as he prepares to begin a new ministry among us and pray too for those to whom Richard ministers currently, who will also hear this news today.

We look forward to welcoming the Reverend Richard and his wife, Debbie, as they prepare to live and work amongst us in the Benefice.  In the meantime, please continue to keep in touch, either by using the 'Contact Us' page on this website or by phoning Jo Dalton-Leggett on 07757 865575

Messages can be passed to the other parishes in the Benefice

July Events at the Church:

Each Sunday:

                               All church services are listed on the 'Services' page

Tuesdays 2nd and 16th:  St. Mary's Study Group

                                              at The Lounge, Milton House, Hales Meadow, 2.30 - 4.00pm

                         We are following a course of study entitled 'A Growing Faith'

                                                    All are welcome

                                          and at the Village Hall:

Each Wednesday:   Craft Club

                                    Mudford Village Hall     2pm - 4pm

                 Bring a project and join a group of like-minded folk for friendship and chat!

Each Thursday:      Mudford Village Cafe

                                    Mudford Village Hall    10am - noon.

           (Please note: the Cafe will be held in the courtyard on Thursday 4th July)      

          Come along to enjoy a wide selection of drinks, sweet treats or savouries

                                         in this very friendly environment

                          You can support the Lord's Larder Foodbank too -

                  by bringing in-date, non-perishable foods and toiletries

Saturday 6th July:   Table-Top Sale

                                       Mudford Village Hall.     2pm - 5pm

                                   Clothes, Shoes, Handbags, Plants

                                                Tea and Cake

Saturday 27th July:  Mudford Gardening Club Flower Show

                                     Mudford Village Hall.    from 2.30pm

     For further details and to enter, please contact Aileen Wilkinson 07977 337815

 For these and all other village events please check Mudford Village Hall website: