News and Events

October 2024

We look forward to welcoming our new Rector, the Reverend Richard Horner and his wife, Debbie, to the Benefice in January 2025.  In the meantime, please continue to keep in touch, either by using the 'Contact Us' page on this website or by phoning Jo Dalton-Leggett on 07757 865575

Please hold Richard in your prayers as he prepares to begin a new ministry among us and pray too for those to whom Richard ministers currently.

Please note that messages can be passed to the other parishes in the Benefice

October Events at the Church:

Each Sunday:

                               All church services are listed on the 'Services' page

Sunday 6th October:     Harvest Thanksgiving and Bring and Share Lunch

                                          11.00am in the church

                           All are welcome to join us at this special service

                           and do stay for lunch if you can - there is no charge

                              but a donation of food will be gratefully received

Tuesdays 8th and 22nd October:   Saint Mary's Study Group

                                               2.30 - 4.00pm, The Lounge, Milton House

                                                   We are studying the story of Jonah

                         Please phone Jo on the number above for further information

                                                        All are very welcome

Sunday 3rd November:   All Soul's Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance

                                             4.00pm at the Church

This is our annual very special service when we remember those who have died, both in recent months and in past years, by the reading of names and lighting of candles

                                                    All are welcome

                             Please stay for tea and cake after the service

                                          and at the Village Hall:

Each Wednesday:   Craft Club

                                    Mudford Village Hall     2pm - 4pm

                 Bring a project and join a group of like-minded folk for friendship and chat!

Each Thursday:      Mudford Village Cafe

                                    Mudford Village Hall    10am - noon.


          Come along to enjoy a wide selection of drinks, sweet treats or savouries

                                         in this very friendly environment

                          You can support the Lord's Larder Foodbank too -

                  by bringing in-date, non-perishable foods and toiletries

Friday 18th October:     Pizza Evening

                                                   Pizzas on sale in the car park,

                       seating available and drinks to buy in the Village Hall


  For these and all other village events please check Mudford Village Hall website: