February 2025
Last month, in a joyful service led by Bishop Michael and the Venerable Ann Gell, Archdeacon of Wells, we welcomed the
Reverend Richard Horner as our Rector for this Benefice of five churches
Reverend Richard's email address is: richardtherector@hotmail.com
or for more general enquiries, please continue to use
the 'Contact Us' page on this website or phone Jo Dalton-Leggett on 07757 865575
Please note that messages can be passed to the other parishes in the Benefice
February Events at the Church:
Tuesday 18th February - Open House at the Rectory
Richard and Debbie Horner invite you to Open House at the Rectory, Marston Magna
10.30 - 12.30 or 2.30 - 4.30
You are most welcome to pop in for tea or coffee
Tuesdays 11th and 25th February - Saint Mary's Study Group
we will be continuing our study of
'The Fruit of the Spirit'
2.30 - 4.00pm at Milton House, Hales Meadow
Do come and join us, you will be very welcome
and at the Village Hall:
Please note: the Village Hall will be closed for the week commencing 3rd February
but the Cafe Team will look forward to welcoming you back on Thursday 13th February
Each Wednesday: Craft Club
Mudford Village Hall 2pm - 4pm
Bring a project and join a group of like-minded folk for friendship and chat!
Each Thursday: Mudford Village Cafe
Mudford Village Hall 10am - noon.
Come along to enjoy a wide selection of drinks, sweet treats or savouries
in this very friendly environment
You can support the Lord's Larder Foodbank too -
by bringing in-date, non-perishable foods and toiletries
and find plenty to read from the second-hand bookstall in aid of church funds
For these and all other village events please check Mudford Village Hall website: