
Welcome to our Church


St Mary’s, Mudford is part of the 5 Parishes Benefice comprising: Mudford, Marston Magna, Rimpton, Chilton Cantelo & Ashington and is in the 

Diocese of Bath and Wells

In each of these places there has been a church for centuries, and we hope that today the worship of God and the exploring and encouraging of Christ’s way are still at the centre of our churches’ purpose.

With all good wishes   

The Parochial Church Council

Our Mission Statement:

We face the uncertainties of the future, sustained by the love of God, through our saviour, Jesus Christ. In his strength we pledge our very best efforts to sustain and extend the kingdom.


Our Mission is:


  • ‘To Work in Partnership’ – We aim to strengthen our benefice of five parishes, Mudford, Ashington, Chilton Cantelo, Marston Magna and Rimpton, by continuing to work closely together and to share our resources.


  • ‘To Use our Talents’ – We aim to encourage all our members to seek God’s will for them and to develop and use their gifts in his service, whether that is for worship, community service or outreach. We long to share the love of Jesus and the joy of Christian living.


  • ‘To Build Awareness’ – We want to be more aware of our place in God’s continuing creation; more aware of each other through a deeper understanding of our strengths, weaknesses and needs; and more aware of the role of the church in the wider world.


  • ‘To Engage with our Local Community’ – We are the body of Christ in our neighbourhood; we aim to fulfil our calling by caring for those in need and by strengthening and extending our activities so that they become more relevant and engaging for all, including young people, children and their families.


  • ‘To Maintain the Fabric’ – We have a beautiful, historic church. We reconfirm our responsibility, as custodians of the church buildings in Mudford, to keep use them as best we can in the service of the Lord.